Recommendation What Are The Issues Currently Affecting The Public Accounting Profession

Andhave spoken to student groups at the various Hawaii colleges about the public accounting profession.
What are the issues currently affecting the public accounting profession. Absent trustworthy ethics the profession falters. The accounting profession will face significant changes in the next three decades and professional organizations their members and educational institutions should respond. The proliferation of fraud and cyberattacks including the risk to organizational reputation as a result of the loss of customer data is the most important issue currently facing the accounting profession especially in the area of tax administration.
Large-scale changes such as the proposals by the European Commission and the PCAOB to reform audit firm rotation and the auditors report have potentially far-reaching implications on audit quality and competitiveness in the accounting industry. As professionals we can only lose the public trust once-- Donny J. Challenges Opportunities in the Accounting Profession.
Organizations That Affect the Public Accounting Profession. Maybe we swear to do better come January maybe we say fuck it and dont change a thing. Fiscal management and through that accounting has been at the center of human survival since mankind figured out how to.
The Accountancy ProfessionPlaying a Positive Role in Tackling Corruption summarizes research into the crucial role professional accountants play alongside other key actors in the economy to tackle corruption globally. The impact of new technologies and accountings ability to adapt to the rapid pace of change. In an article in the Houston Chronicle author Jonathan Lister describes ethical issues frequently encountered by accountants.
3 Trends That Are Affecting The Accounting Profession. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Administers the Securities Act of 1933 the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the SOX Act of 2002. Students hear from speakers in the accounting profession about a variety of topics including personal career issues keys to professional success and profession-wide developments.
This course focuses on key issues facing the profession. The accounting world of the 21st century has been shaken by globalization accounting software and changes in financial regulationThe shake-ups have given the field a whole new set of challenges but they. Whatever your approach to the stroke of midnight its tempting to think about what issues might affect the profession in 2019.